On the trail of Bayard
A Belfry is often inextricably linked to City Hall. So too in Dendermonde. After the visit to the Belfry, city guide Gretel Laureys takes us on a fascinating tour of Dendermonde’s historic Town Hall extended with a visit to the nearby Hollandse Barracks. Connecting these two locations is the rich history of the Bayard, the legendary horse inextricably linked to the city of Dendermonde.
The town hall of Dendermonde
For the first mention of a Cloth Hall, you have to go back to 1293-1294. It was located on the second floor of the Meat House, then a wooden building. On Feb. 1, 1337, local cloth weavers obtained permission to build their own halls on an undeveloped piece of land close to the then castle. Later that year, they also receive permission to build the Belfry. In 1350, they took up residence in the Cloth Hall, later the City Hall. From 1395 to 1405, several renovations were carried out, and the new north wing housed the alderman’s chamber between 1415-16. Several embellishments and a superstructure were added in 1597.
Until the beginning of the nineteenth century, not much changed thereafter, but then came a period of various restorations. However, these were completely nullified by the war shelling of the German army in 1914. The city hall burned down completely and only the walls remained standing after the war.
The Dendermonde School
In Dendermonde City Hall, you can admire some of the best works of the“Dendermond School. The paintings show mostly landscapes, each with undeniable technical skill and sophistication. The “Dendermond school” emerged in the 19th century, and the painters of this school were mainly inspired by the Kalmthout school. Not least because two painters from this school were directors and teachers(Rosseels and Meyers) at Dendermond’s art academy. They introduced outdoor landscape painting. This was made possible by the invention of the paint tube, which meant that painters no longer had to first make their paint themselves with a variety of ingredients.
Gretel draws our attention to a remarkable detail in Jan Verhas ‘ 1888 painting “On the Breakwater. Just click on photo of the lady in the blue dress and look at her feet: they are crossed “as if she had to go to the toilet. The largest painting by Jan Frans Verhas puts us on the trail of the horse to which an entire hall in City Hall is dedicated.
Bayard and the Four Yeoman Children
In the twinning room, we are surrounded by historic paintings, sculptures and artifacts that tell the story of Bayard. Gretel explains that Bayard is an ancient legend dating back to the time of Charlemagne. According to legend, Bayard was an indomitable horse ridden by the four sons of Aymon, known as the Four Gentlemen. The horse was considered a symbol of strength and courage. Gretel explained that Bayard only comes out of its resting place, Dutch Barracks, during the Ros Carillonommegang, a unique folkloric event celebrated every 10 years.
The Holland Barracks
We leave City Hall and walk to the nearby Holland Barracks, a former military base. It was originally erected after the fall of Napoleon when Dendermonde became part of the Wellington Barrier. A barrier to protect the united Southern and Northern Netherlands from new French incursions. As part of this, plans arose in Dendermonde for the construction of a bomb-proof barracks. From 1828-1830, the barracks were built, actually at the end of the “Dutch period.
Beautiful traditions kept alive
We walk slowly back to City Hall. All in all, the tour of Dendermonde City Hall and the Holland Barracks is a fascinating experience. Thanks to Gretel Laureys, we gain insight into the history of Bayard and how this legend is still alive and well in the hearts of Dendermonde residents.
Super fun to be able to explore these special places and get a glimpse of the proud traditions of this beautiful city. Are you going to Dendermonde? Then a tour with Gretel or one of her colleagues is highly recommended!

Eric Cornelissen
Wanneer het was is niet meer bekend maar tijdens een editie van de Gentse Feesten ontstond de interesse in de geschiedenis en de betekenis van Belforts. Met een vette knipoog naar Reinhold Messner die als eerste de veertien hoogste toppen van de wereld beklom moest iemand maar eens de eerste zijn die alle belforten van de Lage Landen gaat beklimmen! Pas later werd duidelijk dat het er geen 14 maar 56 zijn. Die Messner had het maar makkelijk.